Gershon Tenenbaum, Ph.D.
Gershon Tenenbaum is Benjamin S. Bloom Professor of Educational and Sport Psychology at Florida State University and the Sport Psychology graduate program director.
He is a graduate of Tel-Aviv University and the University of Chicago in measurement and research methods in psychology.
Gershon is a former director of the Ribstein Center for Research and Sport Medicine at the Wingate Institute in Israel, and coordinator of the Graduate Program in sport psychology at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia.
From 1997-2001 he was the President of the International Society of Sport Psychology, and from1996-2008 the Editor of the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
He published extensively (> 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals: JEP, Frontiers in Psychology, PLOS One, JSEP, PSE, JASP, TSP, IJSEP) in psychology and sport psychology in areas of expertise and decision-making, psychometrics, and coping with physical effort experiences.
Some of the edited books/handbooks/encyclopedia (with colleagues) are:
- Encyclopedia of sport and exercise psychology (Volumes 1 & 2). Los Angeles: Sage publication
- Critical concepts in exercise psychology (4 volumes). UK: Rutledge publication
- Critical concepts in sport psychology (4 volumes). UK: Rutledge publication
- Handbook of Sport Psychology (3rd Edition). NY: Wiley
- Measurement in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Champaign, ILL: Human Kinetics
- Case Studies in Applied Psychophysiology: Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Treatments for Advances in Human Performance. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell
- The practice of Sport Psychology. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technologies.
- Brain and Body in Sport and Exercise: Biofeedback Applications in Performance Enhancement. West Sussex, UK: Wiley & Sons.
- Research Methodology in Sport and Exercise Sciences: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Achen, Germany: Meyer & Meyer.
- The Cultural Turn in Sport Psychology. WV: Fitness Information Technology
Gershon received several distinguished awards for his academic and scientific achievements, and is a member and fellow of several scientific and professional forums and societies. To name few:
- Meritorious Contribution to Educational Practice through Research, Journal of Educational Research
- Dorothey V. Harris Memorial Lecture/award. Penn State University
- Distinguished Sport Science Scholar Lecturer, University of Utah
- Distinguished Scientific and Research Contributions to Exercise and Sport Psychology Award of the American Psychological Association, Division 47 – Exercise and Sport Psychology
- ISSP (International Society of Sport Psychology) Distinguished International Sport Psychologist Award
- AASP Coleman Griffith Award, 2016
- Fellow, APA – Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- Fellow, APA- Experimental Psychology
- Fellow, National Academy of Kinesiology